Remember When President Obama Signed Autographs For the Troops?

While making a stop at a base in Germany, President Trump took heat for signing "Make America Great Again" hats for the military. This was after President Trump's unannounced trip to Iraq to meet with service members on Christmas night.

Many people took issue with President Trump's signing of the hats, some called it “inappropriate” and “against military policy and regulation” despite the items being personal belongings, not something used for campaign. These hats were provided by the troops themselves.

As you could imagine, President Trump wasn't the first president to sign autographs for troops. You can look at the tweet below and see when President Trump signed autographs for troops? It probably comes as no surprise that Obama faced no backlash when he did the same thing as President Trump.

Obama Signed Autographs For the Troops, Too

As usual, the cover was blown on the fake news.

President Trump stopped at the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany while on his way back to the states.

He took to Twitter to address the issue people were taking because of him signing the MAGA hats.